C O A B Discography - Single 19 19th single: Waiting
Release Date: 6th October 2008 Track List:
Songwriters: 1 - 5 - Chris Sakes Background to single "Waiting" was one of the final tracks recorded for the new LP "Download The World". The song came about from the many Anime games that are about now which have been so popular around the world following the explosion of the Japanese cartoon art form of Anime. The tracks: - 1. "Waiting" is a shorter version of the song from the Download The World LP. This version still has the double chants of male and female vocals, and has that feel of two lovers wanting to meet but having had a previous disagreement they are both holding out until the other gives in, little knowing that they desperately want the other to come meet them. 2. "Let Me Go" is all about that age-old boy meets girl and girl falls out of love with boy and wants a simple break if he loves her so much he would let her leave. A soft mix of synths and some percussion takes this lilting tune through to its finale. 3. "Understand (Alternate Version)" - This version of a song which can be downloaded for free at our download page is basically a simple guitar phrasing and some samples played out against a lone marimba and bass synth chords played across each other. Its a really cute song but a little threatening in the vocal lines. This version has more vocal samples and a firmer bass and drum pattern. 4. "Who Did" uses an old 40's children's TV sample from a sing-a-long show, that builds with some arpeggio synth lines along with a bubbling acid bass rhythm and a stop-start drum pattern. 5. "Nonsense" One of Chris' last songs that were being placed on a possible list for the new LP but this one is just so sweet it couldn't be left out completely even if it doesn't quite fit the sound of Download The World. Listen out for the many vocal lines used for this tune, as there is the odd rude verse here and there! Basically the whole song is really catchy and just a load of nonsense. The cover is based on the two lovers from the Japanese Anime series. To read more about the other singles continue on to each Singles titles page whilst the LPs can be found in the LP titles pages. Buy it as a download from: Soundclick ($0.25c) Noisehead (all tracks - $0.69c) or Broadjam $0.99c
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