C O A B Discography - Single 25 25th single: Just Look At Australia
Release Date: 3rd October 2011 Track List:
Songwriters: 1 - 5 - Chris Sakes Background to the single Here is the third single to be taken from the 11th LP "We Are Electro". The tracks: - 1. Just Look At Australia (Single Edit) is another of those electro pop grooves with a twist. Here the protagonist is a right-wing loud mouth MP who's claims that Australia has it right on immigration don't hold water. COAB going political? You bet!!!! The full version features the actual talk radio DJ and is almost 5 minutes long. Just who is Baxter Basics MP? Chris looks sheepish but then he would he voiced both people! 2. Crunk My Morse Code comes from the US mix of hip hop and electro commonly called "crunk". The sound is sped up a bit here and the vocoder voice mixes well with the distorted synths and bass line with a mellow beat. 3. When They were Busy (Then They Work Best) More a plea to the conglomerates of the world to try thinking about the poor people and their conditions they make them work in to produce their cheap products sold expensively in some cases. 4. Radio Voices In My Head Another fidget house tune with a club beat and thumping bass line. Distorted female voices singing about paradise and a mix up of synth stabs blend this uncomfortable song along a bass driven groove. 5. Geordie Man (Why Aye) Not to be confused with anything by Dire Straits' Mark Knopfler! This is an electro bust-out of Newcastle brown ale and a North East vocoder chorus. The cover is a travellers map of Australia. To read more about the other singles continue on to each Singles titles page whilst the LPs can be found in the LP titles pages. Buy it as a download from: Noisehead (all tracks - $0.69c)
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