C O A B Discography - Single 11
11th single: Scream For Daddy Release Date: 15th May 2006 Track List:
Songwriters: 1 - 6. Chris Sakes Background to single Up until January 2006 the first new single would have been NY-LON 2 but it has turned out that all the work on the new LP meant new LP formats, artwork and also a more enhanced ways of working. The band therefore decided to hold back in releasing this song despite the fact they have always been fans of bands who release tracks not on LPs. Scream For Daddy was one of the first songs recorded in 2006 and it was obviously single material from the start. The lead track is likely to be the version on the new LP due out in Autumn 2006. This track has a blend of snatched vocal samples and a buzzing bassline with plenty of arpeggio synths darting around picking up on the screaming lady in question and also some rather naughty heavy breathing! Track 2, Earl's Karma Mix is named after that wonderful Channel 4 TV series "My Name Is Earl" but that's where it all ends as this is very much a smoother rendition of the original with swirling Indian percussion and sweeping FX sounds. The jazz like bass sound adds to the mellow mood of this version. Track 3, Primitive Remix is a harsh remix of the original with heavy drums and louder percussion! Simple! Track 4, Prince's Remix will be familiar in sound to many of Prince's 1980 tunes as it uses Revolution style drum patterns and linn drums and freaky synths. The sound is slower but just as dirty! Track 5, Daddy Long Legs Mix is the daddy! This is the long version of the song with extra vocal samples and some harder drum patterns. This is definitely the definitive version! Track 6, Whip This Out Remix is another slower and more deliberately hip-hop version of the song. This is just to prove that COAB are not all electronica fast tunes as here we get an urban beat straight outta Compton, well Purfleet!! The cover depicts the obvious scream etc. but is done in the same vein as the artwork being prepared for the new LP. Its all monochrome and little squares and there is more of this to come! Another thing to notice is that COAB have reverted back to being Christ On A Bike! Keep checking us out! To read more about the other singles continue on to each Singles titles page whilst the LPs can be found in the LP titles pages.
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