Artist Reviews Below are some of the reviews the band has received in the media and elsewhere through download sites and independent music people. |
Claudio Baroni |
No, not just one but two
reviews in one month! Hold onto your Italian phrasebooks it's the mighty
Baron himself! - Claudio Baroni reviews "A Geminus Vita" LP March
2007 (We won't apologise for the translation!) What potentially it would have to be the modern one and unavoidably puts into effect the conception of dance. Clever and intelligent Electronica, never too much mini-badly and too much conceptual. The COAB (Christ On A Bike, that is Holly and Chris) is with illuminated artistic fantasy realizing all this. And it is not little. “A Geminus Vita” the quarter for the exactitude is an optimal album, different compendium of sonorous styles; trance, drum' n' bass and techno… The wide one coacervo of varied musical constructions not ago never to forget the way master and does not confuse the listener. Twelve “brani”, with three pieces already known (singles “Scream For Daddy”, “Everytime” and “I Can’t Hear You Calling” are truly pregevoli) and unknown remaining with a destabilizing blow. I am writing of the best song from “A Geminus Vita”, that is the new 45 turn “The Sun And The Moon”. Feminine voice with plenty of piano support one marked the rhythm ninna-nanna slow and hypnotic. Dance from after-hour. In short this is music to listen, to savour, to taste, music that more I love. |
Mark J. Dye & Beverley from Florida USA reviewed the
Watching The Stars single on 22nd February
2007 via www.broadjam.com. If you don't find yourself tapping your toes after hearing this song, you must be dead. This song is the kind of song you start your day dancing. Great dance pop song! A little retro flavouring to an original sound. Love the arrangement. |
Thanks heaven's he's still around!The
inimitable Baron of Italy - Claudio Baroni reviews "COAB vs Cassandra
Allen" in Italian September
2006 (We won't apologise for the translation!) And for the immense joy of many domestic dancers and from club it is continued imperturbable to dance. We danced and on delicate notes house of the English friends Christ On To Bike well. I must effectively write that every they exited record (new single with Cassandra Allen) is one perennial my surprise. The COAB do not mistake a blow, they characterize the target and they centre the "obbiettivo" effectively; that it is and it remains to stretch the nerves of the listener and to make to dance it with sages beats. They succeed us in the large one |
Lawrence Wise and the Cosimic Funk
Orchestra from Washington, USA reviewed the
Child's Play single on 3rd February
2007 via www.broadjam.com. Layer, upon layer, upon layer..... plus, that catchy synth-'recorder' hook gives it a 'prog-rock/jazz' taste. Finally, it's just STRANGE Enough to hold a person's attention while it builds upon itself. Different and catchy. |
The Manyunk Project from Philidelphia USA reviewed the
Watching The Stars single on 1st January
2007 via www.broadjam.com. Very catchy melody, kinda sticks in your head, great vocals because of the repetition. Kinda electronic in genre but a good tune in any event. |
Musicghost.com gave the 4th LP -
"A Geminus Vita", the following write-up. "A intense and often bamboozling look into the pysche of Christ On A Bike. The CD is filled with tracks that will make you dance without any option not to." The LP is still on sale now at Musicghost - The Site for Independent Music |
Watch out everyone, he's back!!!! The Wonderful Baron of Italy -
Claudio Baroni reviews "I Can't Hear You Calling" in Italian September
2006 (We won't apologise for the translation!) His website reviews can be found in an Italian Arts Magazine website at:- http://www.ideabiografica.com/dothey.htm Other single one for the Christ On To Bike, the knights of the British electronica. “The Can' t Hear You Calling” and above all “the Wanna Be spiazzano Muted” to the first one I listen. Holly and Chris regarding the sonoritą of the 45 turns previous - “Everytime” - inverts the sonorous coordinates. For which nothing rhythms “acid” years the ninety but shooting is moved towards the dance of the eighty, that is The Human League and Heaven 17, in order to only make some names. They is still danced but you strike yourself to the minute are diminished, however all good. |
The Baron returns!!!!!! Claudio Baroni - Italian
Freelance Music Journalist, reviews the Everytime single in Italian!
July 2006 (with apologies for
another terrible English
translation!) His website reviews can be found in an Italian Arts Magazine website at:- http://www.ideabiografica.com/summer.htm Slowly, slowly, step after step the Christ On To Bike is approaching itself the publication - in the next Autumn of their Fourth Album entitled (for hour) “To Geminus Vita”. A suggestion because not to call it: “To Rebellious Life”? “Everytime” (after the escape of “Scream For Daddy”) is the second 45 turns drawn from the new job. As usual a lot, but just much enlivened Electronics; with a Brano “Everytime” (for the note) that the better things of the Shamen remember me. Splendid feminine voice that designs Groove immaginifici, where stroboscopic lights hit robotici and intontiti spectators from cotanta beauty. See You Soon. |
Our old friend, Claudio Baroni - Italian Freelance Music Journalist,
reviews the Scream For Daddy single in Italian! June 2006 (with apologies for
another terrible English
translation!) His website reviews can be found in an Italian Arts Magazine website at:- http://www.ideabiografica.com/baroni.htm - look under his new Buzz section To listen a little healthy and poured them “Electronic” old way - every a lot does not make never badly (indeed), this is little but sure. The COAB, ensemble currently present the more intelligent and fico Dance in England, have give birth new (the nth one, eleventh if not mistake) Single “Scream For Daddy” that precedes the fourth Lp in escape the next Autumn. “Scream For Daddy” é proposed and riproposta in very six different versions. All equally “Acide” and bad ones the just one. Personally the percussivo Beat of the Christ On To Bike remembers me the beautiful “incestuoso” Sound of Altern 8 (someone if it remembers them) with the vinyl of “Full On. Mask Hysteria. The “Christ on the bicycle” is decidedly from listening at least once in the life, shining and inconfutabilmente brilliant. I must still write, or there are understandings? “Scream For Daddy” é the just piece in order to go encounter to a corrosive and torrid Summer that will ruin the mind to many. Beat On A Drums Forever. |
Italian Freelance Music Journalist, Claudio Baroni reviews the Beat
Conductor LP in Italian! April 2006 (with apologies for our terrible English translation!) His website reviews can be found in an Italian Arts Magazine website at:- http://www.ideabiografica.com If the lawful substances and illicit they make fear you, then in order to taste fully this delicious floppy disk to you The Beat Conductor I would suggest to a beautiful coitus loving to you; I assure to you that for anxiety attacks are a true toccasana! Joined to positive and "the delirious" botte "of electronica" proposed from the pair Chris & Holly (from Essex, Uk), called in a delirium of onnipotenza Christ on to Bike (to say little brilliant!), it will have sure on your psiche a taumaturgico and devastating effect to the time same. Other that the Scotch di Lester Bangs... Me they remain little lines well for to write of a job, that one of the COAB, truly beautiful. Holly and Chris has conceived simple an electronic sound and to the capacity of all: it could place between "the masturbazioni mini-evils" of Aphex Twin and the Electro-Rock of the Chemical Brothers. They are the two brani that I allow myself of to signal: "Get on the Dancefloor and Pushing, Pushing". |
NME (New Musical Express) - Radar Pages Demo Review Column 19th November 2005 Issue Christ On A Bike - Demo #1 - Reviewed by James Jam (Demo #1 EP contained Pushing, Pushing; The Beat Conductor; Keep Walking; The Sun Is Shining Bright) "This electropop duo's debut demo sounds like the soundtrack to a fifteen-year-old Nintendo game. It's a thrilling combination of disco squelch and techno bleep that will have you both making a beeline to the nearest discotheque, and rummaging in the loft for that copy of Zelda. Kzzork!" |
Darren Pearce (Viral Music Founder) reviewed the same Demo No.1 EP He said "For me the standout track was The Beat Conductor but we release singles in a 3 track format." (We are still in contact with Darren and although he was only interested in one of the four songs for his music label, we may pursue this by sending on more of the songs from latest LP plus even some from the second too.) |
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Unknown live performer from Australia reviewed the
I Can't Hear You Calling single on 24th August
2006 via www.broadjam.com. All fits well, interest generated by whatever the robot is saying. |
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Unknown Musician from Florida reviewed the
Everytime single on 2nd July
2006 via www.broadjam.com. WOW WOW and WOW again, I love this. There arent any (constructive comments), sorry guys, i tried to find something wrong with it. Oh wait, there is something wrong with it, I didnt write it!!!!.......damn! |
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Unknown Musician from Wisconsin reviewed the
Scream For Daddy single on 22nd May
2006 via www.broadjam.com. The male vocal samples. The blurping arpeggiators. The groove. Decent kick/bass and fundamentals...I dig the basic music. |
Joe of www.wiredpirates.com
reviewed the Keep Walking single on 1st
April 2005 via www.broadjam.com. "Very cool piece, I really dug it. I would have made the music a little darker but that is just my opinion,. I really dig stuff like this,. Great job.....well done." |
Unknown Musician from Minnesota reviewed the
The Sun Is Shining Bright single on 6th August
2005 via www.broadjam.com. "I like the female vocals, although they can be a bit repetitive so maybe some extra lyrics would have helped." |
Musicghost.com gave the third LP -
"The Beat Conductor", the following write-up. "A beat filled quirky dance album that will have you on your feet." The LP is still on sale now at Musicghost - The Site for Independent Music |
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