C O A B Discography - Single 16 16th single: Running For The Good Life (Remix)
Release Date: 30th March 2007 Track List:
Songwriters: 1 - 5 - Chris Sakes (4 - remix by Ken Drakeford [Dizasteroid]) Background to single There was every likelihood that the songs on "Child's Play" might turn out to be more than just throwaway instrumentals and most certainly the title track when released as a single caught the imagination but to be able to field two singles from this collection was an outstanding achievement. Whilst we get to advertise the next LP too, with another track from it remixed here. So here are two of the brightest most popular commercial tunes on the LP in the form of "Running For The Good Life" spread in two versions. 1. "Running For The Good Life" - Splash Big C Remix is a total rethink up to a point but still retaining the charm and melody of the original track with the odd piece still there from that version. It is a little bit more drum n bass than the LP version but still fairly warm and soft. 2. "Are You Most Haunted?" (Derek's Long Version) is a longer more upbeat and faster version of a track due to be part of the next LP "Adult Games". This is the second track to be released in a single from the LP, but don't worry we still have plenty of killer tracks on the next LP that could turn in another single. 3. "All Aboard The Highland Express" - Our very own ode to Scotland returns in a different version and title. Much of the original is mirrored by this slightly more upbeat remix with the clan pipes thrown in at the beginning and end! we hope our friend Danny will be happy with this version! (Oh, and those horns have survived!) 4. "Running For The Good Life" - Dizasteroid Fresh Remix is a wonderful treat, with some stolen vocals from where we don't know and much more breakbeat drum n bass for you. Remixed by the marvellous Ken Drakeford, aka Dizasteroid from Rep. of Ireland. A fantastic version that we had to put out! 5. "On The Edges Of Something" this track was to be have been on "Adult Games" but there was just too many tracks so we kept this quieter more solemn song for a single. Long and challenging to listen to we feel. The cover was a Holly masterpiece by the way! this single will also be released with all profits to go to Cancer Research UK. To read more about the other singles continue on to each Singles titles page whilst the LPs can be found in the LP titles pages. Buy it as a download from: Soundclick ($0.50c) Noisehead (all tracks - $0.69c) or Broadjam $0.99c
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