The Groove Avengers Discography - Single 6
6th Single: E Is For Eden Release Date: 7th September 2009 Track List:
Songwriters: Tracks 1 - 5 John Steen Background to single Here is the3rd single from the forthcoming LP "A Night On The Town". This is a very smooth piece of jazz pop in the style of Basement Jaxx. E Is For Eden is taken from the new LP and is a smooth piece of jazzy pop that fiizzles with horns, synths and jazzy guitar and bass and neat drum pattern to top it all off. Keep Relaxing is a nice dance track that merges 40's health information films with a bumping bass-line and a solid club drum track. It then springles the doctor's words of wisdom "Keep relaxing" along with some funky guitar, parping horns and some 70's organs to crank up the dancefloor pressure! Eden Music mixes up a 70's disco beat with some jazzy clavinet and funky bass along with some harmonics and away you go. Not quite a remix, more a gesture of intent to get funky! E Is For Eden (Club Mix) dishes up a heavy bassdrum sped up to 130bpm and starts the disco ball firing for the night. In comes the abss and away we go!!! This track will feature along with all the other LP tracks in their club mix form in a spin-off club mix LP planned for Xmas!!! Wotcha Wanna Do? is a track that goes some way back and has been rescued from the vaults and dusted off for an outing. originally written and created in 2005, it has been re-written and jazzed up a little. Here ladies and gentleman is your garden of Eden! To hear more about the second LP by The Groove Avengers, go to their 2nd LP page.
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